Nobody but me is going to change my story. Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty.’ MATILDA

Nobody but me is going to change my story. Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty.’ MATILDA

The soundtrack from Matilda which has been on repeat in my kitchen for the last 12 months, holds so much inspiration. (I really recommend you watch it if you haven’t already. It is not only funny but holds a lot of truths for life!)

We all have rule books we have created in our lives shaped by our upbringings, caregivers, social norms. Some we are aware of, some we are not. Some that work for us, some that don’t and even hold us back from our authentic selves.

These rules underpin the roles we play, often create internal and external judgment and can take also up a lot of energy, as we comply and expect others to do the same.

The good girl, rescuer, peacemaker, people pleaser, rebel…..

Clients often share they have a good girl persona they conform to on the outside and an internal person who feels a little suppressed and wants to be freed! Does this resonate?

I work with clients to break patterns and challenge the roles that no longer work for them- challenging the needs and musts - to enable steps towards positive changes in their lives.

This isn’t about completely ripping up the rule book, as someone very wise said to me, start by colouring outside the lines!

What is the slight scribble you could make to change a norm and/or expectation you have created for yourself, that no longer works for you?


Is a lack of confidence holding you back in your life and career?


So…here we go again another school year has arrived.