So…here we go again another school year has arrived.

So…here we go again another school year has arrived. Thank you summer of 2023 for wonderful family time, filled with travel and adventures.

As I dropped my daughter off at school on Wednesday and I walked to work after a few weeks break, I felt this unexpected wave of emotion come over me.

As I leaned into it and let the tears flow, it brought feelings of sadness and relief. Sadness that I would miss the family bubble we had created over the last few weeks and relief that there was childcare back in my world!

My summers have changed, no long relaxing holidays with ample time to nap and read. With a young family the rhythm of the summer is now very different.

Summers are demanding, with the juggle of childcare and work. I noticed over the 6-week break overwhelm creeping in, particularly when there was less time for taking care of myself.

One of my favourite tools when I notice the early feelings of overwhelm filtering in, is to remind myself that I may not have time and space for myself over these 6 weeks, however over the course of a year, I can make time for myself and I do! This is just a point in time.

When I remind myself of this reframe, I notice I am much calmer and present for myself and my family. As well as really living in the moment and enjoying this precious family time.

I am curious what has kept you calm and grounded over the last few weeks?

I help women to feel calmer, have less overwhelm and anxiety. If this is what you need, do get in touch. The first step is to book a free 30 mins call with me.


Nobody but me is going to change my story. Sometimes you have to be a little bit naughty.’ MATILDA


How often do you override your nervous system?