Summer solstice is upon us - What are your mid-year reflections?

Summer solstice is upon us it is the longest day of the year often with the longest sunset. How have we reached the mid-point of 2023?

For many it is seen as a time of renewal, abundance and growth. Celebrating the solstice can provide an opportunity for reflection, setting intentions and embracing the positive energy and possibilities for the next 6 months.

As many of us are about to take summer breaks, I have noticed clients are using our time together to pause and look back at how far they have come this year and what they want for the next 6 months.

So how is your 2023 evolving? Here are 4 questions, to help you reflect:

Before jumping in, I would encourage you to create a space that allows you to do your best thinking – Grab a cup of tea, head outside, curl up on the sofa.

1.       You have just lived 6 months of life, you've been through things, you've seen things, you've learnt things, you've visited places, you've met people. Take a moment to tune into the last 6 months and write down 5 moments of magic that happened for you. These don't need to be huge things, moments that really mattered to you.

2.       If you could sum up the last 6 months with 3 words, what would they be?

3.       What are you most proud of in the last 6 months? What did you learn?

4.       What could start shedding and letting go of, that is no longer supporting you?

Take a moment to just recognise everything you've lived through in the last 6 months, the moments of courage, strength, joy, challenge, all of it.

Now move your attention to the next 6 months and life that spans ahead of you. Moments, yet unlived. Moments to be created, to be felt, to be experienced, infinite possibilities of what could happen from this very moment. All of it, to be created by you.

1.       What would you like to achieve for the next 6 months of the year? What new beginnings are you stepping into?

2.       How would you like to have changed by the end of the year?

3.       Is there anything that you are holding onto, that could get in your way? What needs to happen for you to be able to let go of this?

4.       In what ways can you be softer, kinder and more gentle to yourself?

5.       What may you be ignoring, what is your inner guidance, wisdom and intuition telling you? How can you better tap into this?

If you feel inspired to reflect and explore your 2023 in more depth, do get in touch. This is your life, you create it. Live it. Feel it. Breathe it.

Let me know what comes up for you.



If you are really honest with yourself, does this resonate:


Out of the office: The magic of coaching outdoors.