Out of the office: The magic of coaching outdoors.

A growing part of my practice is walking sessions with my clients, in the many city parks and green spaces across London. Even with international clients where we are unable to physically meet, we still coach outside, we put in our headphones and walk and talk, no matter the weather.

I often hear from clients there is nothing like getting out in nature, moving to clear the mind, refocus thoughts and gain a fresh perspective.

What I notice being out in nature creates for clients is:

1.       Fresh air drives fresh thinking – A more relaxed and casual environment reduces cortisol levels which creates openness, freedom of thought, limitlessness and removal of boundaries.

2.       Creativity flows – Walking quietens the mind and I see clients gain sudden insights by accessing part of the brain which accelerates creative and intuitive ideas

3.       Gain deeper insights – Being in nature allows clients to tap into their senses, connect with the feelings that reside in the body and makes sense of the emotions they are feeling.

4.       Reduces distractions - Walking side by side v sitting opposite someone removes distraction, creates ease and enables space for clients to really consider and clarify their thoughts.

I see clients walk away more energised, relaxed, and thoughtful.

If you would like to explore walking coaching and the fresh thinking this could create for you, do get in touch.






Summer solstice is upon us - What are your mid-year reflections?


I was raised to be modest, not to boast.