How often do you override your nervous system?

When I reflect on the early years of my career, I believed I had a lot of energy.

If you asked anyone what I was known for they would have said organised and a high capacity to get a lot done.

I would work long hours, travel over weekends, ignore the jet lag. I was always busy. At times it was a lot of fun and I learnt a lot. I was getting positive results, this would spur me on and I thought energised me more.

However when I reflect, I ask myself if the energy was always positive? I was very good at overriding my system, on days off I would crash, have no energy to do anything, was completely spent. It was a running joke with my husband, I would always be sick on holiday, spending the first few days trying to find a pharmacy.

When I look back now, I notice what was also driving me was anxiety and fear. I was not good enough, not seen to be doing enough, I would at some point be caught out, I criticised myself if I made a mistake.

As I have worked with my coach and have worked through letting go of my fears and managing my anxiety. Also, providing compassion to this period. I now focus on working from a place of positive energy, a place where my nervous system is regulated.

I now focus my positive energy on:

⁃ Impact not quantity
⁃ Ask the questions that others are not asking
⁃ Being confident in saying no thank you and holding my boundaries
⁃ I have space in my diary, where I do things that fill my cup - Walks in nature, naps, ballet!

I still get a lot done however, I am now much more self aware of not overriding my system (I notice faster when the negative energy creeps in and use techniques to manage this) and utilise the real energy I have.

I feel calmer, my world is more sustainable and I am more in sink with me.

Is your energy out of kilter? How would you like it to be?

I help women to feel calmer, have less fear and anxiety, by working with their real energy and what their nervous system is comfortable with. If this is what you need, get in touch. The first step is to book a free 30 mins call with me (Link below).



So…here we go again another school year has arrived.


You are not for everyone and that is okay.