You are not for everyone and that is okay.

How much time do you spend trying to convince people of your point of view?

We are all different, yet it can feel uncomfortable and frustrating in the moment, when others don’t get your point of view - family, work colleagues, friends.

It is tough!

Some people will love you, some will disagree with you.

Remember you can’t control other people’s thoughts and what they think of you. What is in your control is how you show up, your opinion of you and what you do next.

Let them misunderstand you, have a different point of view, disagree.

Also, notice how much energy is needed when focusing on people who don’t understand you or support you.

Find the communities that get you and show up for the people who need you most. Your people!

Take a step closer to unapologetically not being for everyone and let me know how it feels.

I get it takes time to get comfortable with this. I help women integrate tools and techniques to….

⁃ Have their own back
⁃ Believe in themselves
⁃ Trust their worth

The first step is to book a free 30 mins call with me.


How often do you override your nervous system?


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