Refresh…. refresh

Refresh…. refresh

Still no reply.

You spent ages crafting that email to your boss, updating her on the project you have been working on. It has been 24 hours since you sent it.

You notice you feel uncomfortable.

You start to challenge yourself. Was it not good enough, did you not deliver on the project brief, was it overlay wordy?


She must think it was rubbish. I am clearly not good enough.

You try and distract yourself, calm yourself down. Rationalise your thoughts. Maybe she is just busy.

1 new email…

Finally a response.

“Really fantastic work, well thought through and clear. You have got my support to move forward.”

You take a deep breath and sigh. You feel the negative energy and tension you have been holding onto going away.

You feel ridiculous, why did you challenge yourself? You knew it was a good piece of work, given the time and effort you had put into it.

Why did you doubt yourself? You tell yourself next time you won’t overact or overthink the situation.

Until the next time, when you see the cycle repeat itself.

It isn’t as easy as talking yourself out of over overacting. (I should know!) The overthinking, self-doubt runs deep, it is learned pattern over time. It is your body’s way of protecting you and keeping you safe.

If this sounds familiar, I am here to help. If you would like to work through your deep patterns that contribute to your overthinking and to build healthier patterns that build more trust for yourself.  The first step is to book a free 30 mins call with me . Even if we don’t end up working together, you will leave our call with more awareness of steps to stop doubting yourself.



You are not for everyone and that is okay.


Wondering why your boundaries aren’t working?