The penny finally dropped -  if I really want to flourish, I need to focus on energy not on time…

Every management course I have attended has placed a strong emphasis on effective time management as being key to being productive: To be efficient, we are told, you need to maximise your time.

I tried this. I put in the hours, got my head down, managed my time well, but it still didn’t feel enough. I had no more time to give. After all, time is finite.

I wasn’t effective, I was tired.

My “ahah” moment came when I read about the concept of the energy bank. It turned my thinking on its head. If I want to thrive, I need to maximise my energy levels, not time.  The penny dropped - energy, after all, is renewable.

The energy back concept encourage you to consider your energy levels like your bank account. If you withdraw energy from your account, you need to make sure you deposit too. If you don’t respect this, as with any bank account, you will face penalties, such as feeling depleted or inefficient.

Since making a conscious decision to follow my energy levels, I’ve noticed that I am more creative, have more resilience, am more productive and manage those unexpected bumps in the road feeling less overwhelmed.

Obviously there are things in life that have to be done and drain my energy. However, I always make sure that if I withdraw, I top up with something that is energising for me. So my energy account remains in the black.

If this has struck a chord with you, here are some tools to explore:

1.       Identify what energises and drains you. Take a blank piece of paper and draw a line down the centre, with one column for positive energy, and the other for negative. Over a few days record what provides you energy. For me it is interesting discussions, weekly ballet classes, story time with my daughters, time on my own each day walking to work. Also note what drains you. I find it is too much noise, a full inbox of emails, no space to myself to just be. When you have drawn up your list consider what you can do to reduce those things which drain your energy and make way for more things that bring you energy and joy.


2.       Diarise time to think. I hold a day in my diary every other week. It has no meetings, no agenda and allows me to have deep uninterrupted time. I use this space day to think, prioritise, reassess, take a walk. By creating this sanctuary for myself I have found that I am much more energised, productive and present. So, how much time would you like to create for yourself and what will it take to protect this space? Start with an hour a week and see how it feels.


3.       Be an energiser. I am sure you could name the people who, when you are in their presence, increase your energy. They are the individuals who lift your spirits by giving off positive vibes. People become more present and attentive when in an energisers company. See what happens for you. I notice when I show up energised this creates momentum, commitment and progression with those around me.

So give yourself permission to embrace more of that which brings energy into your world and reduce or remove that which depletes your energy account.

Let me know what happens when you follow your energy.

Sending positive vibes












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