What is ‘human’ leadership in 2023 – The 6 C’s

Forbes magazine have said the most important leadership skill in 2023 is being ‘human’. However, what does this actually mean?

I have recently been coaching a group 6 women leaders in a global asset management company to explore what human leadership means for them.

Through group coaching, the 6 C’s of human leadership emerged:

·       Cognitive understanding –taking the time to listen and understand an employee’s role, so you can be their advocate and understand the practical challenges they face.

·       Connection – Tune in and get curious about how your team feels. Are they anxious, frustrated, excited. Noticing what they need.

·       Courage – Prioritise your wellbeing and be clear on boundaries to be a role model for the team.

·       Community – Move from ‘me’ to ‘we’ to create belonging and commitment.

·       Creativity – Give space for each team members’ perspective. Allow everyone’s voice and views to be explored.

·       Candid transparency- Share tough feedback when needed. Honesty and consistency drives trust and integrity.

I am calling this ‘compassionate leadership’. I am not claiming compassionate leadership hasn’t been explored before. However, the 6 C’s offers a point of difference: balancing being an empathetic leader who is in tune with their people whilst recognising that being a leader at times requires honesty and tough feedback.

Each of the leaders embraced the 6 C’s in a way that felt natural for them. Feedback from their teams was impressive – the leaders were recognised as exhibiting more decisive, inspiring and thoughtful leadership.  In turn the leaders noticed a growing confidence in their teams.

If you would like to explore compassionate leadership in your own organisation or for yourself, do get in touch. I am intrigued to hear which of the 6 C’s are available for you to access as a leader right now and which you would you like to explore further and embrace in your leadership style?

Have fun exploring your human leadership




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